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The earliest documented activities of the “Aerosol and Air Filtration Technology” laboratory of the Politecnico di Torino date back to 1937 when Prof. Codegone included some references to the testing facilities in his publications. Later, Prof. Anglesio, one of Codegone’s students, continued the laboratory activities in 1970 until the formalization and extension of the laboratory facilities in 1990 under his guidance, with a remarkable contribution of Prof. Tronville. During that time, air conditioning became a consolidated technology in Italy, which increased the awareness of the relevance of aerosol technology.

Prof. Anglesio participated in the creation of the CEN Technical Committee 195 “Air filters for general air cleaning” which began its work in 1990. He contributed to the formulation of the EN 779 and EN 1822 standards, and the subsequent versions over time. After the premature passing of Prof. Anglesio in 2002, the responsibility for supervising the laboratory was transferred to Prof. Tronville, who for more than 15 years has continued the research activities within the Aerosol technology and Air Filtration laboratory.

Since 1995 Prof. Tronville has participated in the work of the aforementioned technical committee as an expert and then as a voting delegate for Italy. From 2006 until today, Prof. Tronville is Chairman of CEN / TC195. The Aerosol and Air Filtration Technology laboratory has participated in several interlaboratory tests, which contributed to the validation of standard methods for measuring the performance of filters for general applications.

In 2005 Prof. Tronville contributed to the reactivation of the ISO 142 Technical Committee “Cleaning equipment for air and other gases”, whose activities had been completely stopped in 1976. In September 2005 he assumed the role of Chairman of ISO / TC 142, maintaining it until the end of 2016 when, following the new ISO regulations, he ceded the role to Eng. Romanò (Lombarda Filtri).

Nowadays the Aerosol and Air Filtration Technology laboratory has become the main workplace of the Politecnico di Torino’s Aerosol Technologies Research Group (ATRG), and the tests conducted in the laboratory facilities are recognized by highly successful companies, that rely on the expertise of the ATRG for assessing the characteristics of their Air filtration elements. Moreover, the laboratory facilities are continuously updated and provide a technological tool for researchers from the Politecnico di Torino, as well as academic experiences for students of different engineering courses.